神话与. 事实-作为成年人回到大学 非正统是新传统.
神话与. 事实-作为成年人回到大学

过去的“传统”大学生已经发生了变化. 不再是高中刚毕业的18岁少年, 现在大多数学生都是成年人了. 作为成年人回到大学 已经变得比你想象的更普遍了吗. In fact, there are quite a few myths to debunk about returning to college as an adult. Let’s compare the myths to the facts when it comes to adult college students.


事实: 重返校园永远不会太迟. 为了说明这一点,以前者为例 成人大学生安迪·维特:

安迪厌倦了管理餐馆. He wanted to build a future for himself and spend more time with his family. 他参加了十大正规网堵平台的网络安全学士学位课程, 在此过程中获得了多个行业认证.

He had such a great experience as an adult college student that he returned shortly after graduation and earned a master’s degree to complement his bachelor’s degree. 他利用大学学历找到了一份安全分析师的工作. 现在安迪只是作为客人和家人一起去餐馆.


“我们被教导的过程, and the soft skills … helped me network and present myself in a professional manner, 这样我就能在人群中脱颖而出. The real-world experiences that my instructors brought to the table were so relevant and I still find value in them every day as I apply them to my current role. 十大正规平台真的是我做过的最好的决定.”


If you’re stuck in a dead-end job and dreaming of a remote position with benefits, 考虑学学安迪吧. A hands-on education could make a difference for an adult learner looking to escape a dead-end job and develop new skills.


事实: 强大的时间管理技能可以帮助你找到时间——问问就知道了 凯利小:

凯莉向她垂死的祖母保证她会回到大学, 她决定遵守她的诺言. 她参加了十大正规网堵平台的护理课程, 灵活的选择适合她独特的日程安排:凌晨4点起床, 工作到下午2点, 下午5:30上课, 午夜上床睡觉.

凯莉坚持她的梦想, exhibiting incredible self-discipline and time management skills until graduation day.


“十大正规网堵平台非常适合我. The schedule works with my lifestyle and my instructors are always willing to help me stay on top of what I need to do.”



Balancing the many responsibilities of work, family, and school can seem daunting. 但这是可能的,通过谨慎 时间管理和自律. An 速成学位课程 could be the perfect fit for you, allowing you to graduate much faster than traditional schools.

There are lots of 太ls and resources to help you manage your time and maintain your sanity:

  • 日历应用程序: 您可以创建任务或提醒, 附加文件或链接, 把它们分配给自己或他人, 并在你完成的时候标记它们. A collaborative digital calendar app could help you keep track of your obligations, 并帮助你与朋友和家人保持联系.
  • 笔记应用程序: Digital notebooks ensure that your notes are with you wherever you go—as long as there’s wi-fi. Another benefit of digital notes is that you can search them for keywords or concepts!
  • 时间跟踪应用程序: Set limits to tasks or simply track how long each takes to learn your habits. 这有助于完成任务和建立新的学习习惯.
    • Toggl (免费 & 付费版本)
    • 收获 (免费试用 & 支付)
  • 时间管理应用程序: 把你需要做的每件事都记在一个地方.
  • 十大正规平台管理应用程序: 轻松组织您的十大正规平台, 作业, 任务与这些可视化的十大正规平台管理界面.
    • Trello (免费 & 付费版本)
    • 米罗 (免费 & 付费版本) 


事实: 奖学金十大正规平台, 学费援助, 和雇主合作计划可以资助你的教育. 考虑 杰西卡·安东尼的旅程:

杰西卡是两个孩子的单亲妈妈. She was hoping for a better life for her children when she applied to the United Way’s scholarship program for deserving non-traditional female students with a demonstrated commitment to education. 她被选中并获得了8000美元的奖学金. She enrolled in a mechatronics and advanced manufacturing program, and set out to change her future.

What does Jessica have to say about her time as a scholarship recipient student?

“I’m working towards a future and the support I have been getting along the way has been simply fantastic!”


If you have a college in mind, contact them to ask about 学费援助 or scholarship programs. If you have military experience, you could qualify for a variety of assistance programs. 问一问总无伤大雅!

Some 大学 and workplaces partner to provide educational benefits to employees. 这被认为是一个三赢的局面——公司提高了员工的技能, 这所大学招收一名学生, 和你, 员工, 以极低的成本获得学位.

询问你的雇主你的公司是否与任何大学合作, 大学, 或者贸易学校为员工提供教育福利(有时, 他们的家庭, ).


事实: 非传统学生是新常态. 也有专门针对 成人学习者,如十大正规网堵平台. 不要只相信我们的话:

他丈夫死后 莱斯利 感到迷茫,想要一个新的开始. He was in his 50s, but when he enrolled at 十大正规网堵平台 he was in for a surprise. 不仅大多数学生比预期的年龄更接近他, 但他们更富有同情心, 太. 教职员工也加紧了行动, providing the sense of community he had been missing since the loss of his partner. 莱斯利毕业后在医疗保健部门找到了一份工作——这正是他所需要的一个全新的开始.

What does 莱斯利 have to say about his time as a mature adult college student?

“My academic advisor and program director gave me a lot of support and helped me through some tough times. 我的教授们真的很有兴趣帮助我成功. 他们看得出来我的情绪真的很低落. 十大正规平台改变了我个人的生活.”

大学社区 & 面向成人学习者的教育

担心自己不能适应新环境是很正常的, 尤其是当你经历了很多艰难困苦的时候. Know that many people find more than education at college—they find community. 开始一场新的冒险,向新的机会敞开心扉, 你可以开始痊愈,再次成长.

Many colleges and 大学 these days are geared towards adult learners, 强调实践教育胜于课堂理论. This educational method is effective for those looking to switch fields and start their new adventure with some tangible experience on their resume.


事实: 跟上课程进度可能很有挑战性,但这是可能的. 商学院毕业生杰里米·格雷戈里 是证明:

杰里米的母亲被告知,她的新生儿活不过5岁. Little Jeremy underwent eight surgeries in the next five years and, against all odds, survived. 在成长过程中,他经常头痛、癫痫和脑膜炎. 等他长大了, he enrolled in college—where it was discovered that he had a tumor growing on his brain stem.

Jeremy had no choice but to undergo additional surgeries, which caused post-op complications. His instructors came to visit him at the hospital and found him doing homework. 令人难以置信的, 杰里米从来没有缺课过, 每次去看医生都要按照学校的时间安排. His determination to survive and succeed is proof that nothing is impossible.


“Dr. 我的教练斯考斯来医院看望我. She told me not to worry about my schoolwork or attendance, and to just concentrate on healing. I told her that if I got out of the hospital on Sunday, I would be in class on Monday.”


College is different for adults—for starters, life is more likely to interfere! 许多学生在遇到困难时考虑过辍学, 但往往能够缩减他们的学业. There are many methods and resources for those willing to persevere and complete their education.

写作辅助中心, 数学辅助中心, 按需辅导可以成为救星, 一些学院和大学免费提供这些课程. Explore the resources available to students at any college you’re considering.


回到 作为一个成年人,上大学可能很有挑战性,但这是可能的. Adults considering enrolling in college later in life may have a sizeable advantage over their younger peers—more life experience. 你的学术研究将补充你的知识, 智慧, 还有你成年后积累的经验.

当你准备好通过教育改变你的生活时, 考虑十大正规网堵平台. 我们面向成人学习者,强调在实践中学习. 灵活的工作时间, 在线的选择, 学费援助, 雇主合作计划, 免费资源都是为像你这样的学生设计的. 今天就联系,改变明天. 你还在等什么? 它可能是 你做过的最好的决定!


免责声明- 十大正规网堵平台不作任何声明, 保修, 或对实际就业能力或收入潜力的保证, 我们提供的任何教育十大正规平台的过去或未来的学生或毕业生. 十大正规网堵平台网站仅供参考. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained on the 十大正规平台.edu domain; however, no 保修 of accuracy is made. No contractual rights, either expressed or implied, are created by its content.